Fleet Management

Manage your Entire Fleet From a Single Page

MyNavlo simplifies yacht charter operations by enabling you to manage your entire fleet, from bookings to financials and boat owner relations, all from a single, intuitive dashboard.
Centralized Fleet and Availability Management
MyNavlo offers an advanced solution for yacht charter operators seeking efficient fleet and availability management. By centralizing all boat information, including specs, maintenance records, and booking schedules, operators can effortlessly manage their fleet from a single platform. The system ensures real-time availability updates, eliminating the risk of double bookings and enhancing operational efficiency.
Dynamic Pricing and Financial Management
Understanding the financial intricacies of yacht chartering, MyNavlo incorporates dynamic pricing and comprehensive financial management tools tailored for the industry. Operators can set pricing periods, apply discounts, and manage Advanced Provisioning Allowance (A.P.A.) and security deposits with ease. This financial flexibility allows for competitive pricing strategies and ensures that operators can quickly adapt to market demands while maintaining control over their revenue and expenses.
Boat Owner Management and Installments
MyNavlo introduces an innovative approach to boat owner management, designed to simplify the complexities associated with managing multiple boat owners and their financial agreements. This feature allows yacht charter operators to efficiently manage owner information, contracts, and financial agreements, including installment payments, revenue sharing, and expense tracking. Operators can set up individual financial profiles for each boat owner, detailing the terms of agreement, payment schedules, and any pertinent financial arrangements. This level of organization not only streamlines the financial management process but also ensures transparency and trust between operators and boat owners.


All data is on the cloud for Instant syncing across the entire company.


MyNavlo makes sure to keep your data safe while on the platform.


MyNavlo uses the latest technology and updates frequently.


Here to help you in every step of the way whenever you need it.

You are in good hands.

MyNavlo operates in the cloud, ensuring seamless synchronization of company-wide data for consistently up-to-date information. You can trust our unwavering commitment to top-tier security, safeguarding your data at all times. Stay ahead with regular software updates and enjoy dedicated support throughout your journey.


We are here to answer your questions. For any lingering questions, feel free to contact us here.
Can i request a demo of MyNavlo before purchasing?
is my data secure on MyNavlo?
How can your feedback shape MyNavlo?
How does onboarding work at MyNavlo?

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